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Standing Water And Your AC: What You Need To Know

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Your home’s air conditioner doubles as a dehumidifier. It pulls excess moisture from the air, which is then routed through the system and out of the condensate drain. When everything is working properly, this excess moisture should drain away outdoors and pose no issues. If you find water indoors, such as damp carpet or wet wallboards near the location of the external unit, then you may have a problem. Standing water around your external AC unit is also a sign of problems. Read More»

3 Things to Consider When Purchasing a New Hot Water Heater

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All too often, a water heater fails when you least expect it. Unfortunately, this can lead to a quick replacement purchase and investment. Know the most common costly mistakes you can make when replacing your water heater so you can avoid them. 1. Size Does Matter One way some homeowners try to save money is by purchasing a smaller unit than the size that they need, simply because the unit costs less. Read More»

3 Residential Complications That Should Be Addressed By Heating Contractors

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You use your furnace a lot when it gets cold outside. Unfortunately, this appliance will not always work great. If you run into the following issues at any point, then make sure you quickly hire a heating contractor. They can help you troubleshoot these issues safely and effectively. Frequent Cycling When your furnace keeps turning on and off, that’s not good because it can drive up your energy bills and also wear down components. Read More»

Is Your Plumbing Leading To Ceiling Mold?

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When you see ceiling mold, chances are your first thought likely is that your roof is going bad. While this is a potential cause of roof mold, it’s actually much more likely that it’s something that’s gone wrong with the plumbing in your home. If you’ve had the roof checked and no issues have been discovered, then here’s the most likely culprit behind your mold issues. How Plumbing Can Impact Your Ceiling Read More»

Do You Have A Septic Emergency?

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A septic system serves as an efficient way to deal with household waste that is not connected to city water or sewer lines. If your home is equipped with a septic tank system, then you are responsible for identifying issues and contacting a professional as quickly as possible to have them repaired to ensure your service is not interrupted. Keep reading to learn of a few signs that indicate you have a septic emergency on your hands. Read More»