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Should You Buy A Pedestal Sump Pump?

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If you're planning on installing a sump pump in your basement, then you've got a big decision to make: submersible or pedestal? These two different designs come with their own sets of pros and cons, but the decision often comes down to your specific circumstances. Choosing the right pump for your basement is a matter of understanding what will work best for your basement.

If you aren't familiar with the differences, then don't worry! This article will explain how these pump types differ and why one design might be more appropriate for your situation than another.

Submersible vs. Pedestal Designs Explained

Basements that are prone to flooding require a method to drain water away from the house. Depending on where you live, it's likely that your local building codes stipulate some form of drainage for any new construction. Although some homes use purely passive drainage systems, most houses rely on sump pumps to bring excess water to the surface.

A sump pump sits in a small pit typically referred to as a "sump basin." The role of the basin is not complicated: it collects water that would otherwise remain standing in your basement. Your sump pump then turns on when the water reaches a set level and moves the water to the surface level. A submersible pump does this while sitting in the basin, but a pedestal pump sits above the pit.

The Advantages of Going High

Submersible pumps tend to be more powerful and less noisy, making them the preferred option for many homeowners. If this is the case, then why should you consider a pedestal pump? It usually comes down to available space. Since you must fully submerge a submersible pump within the sump basin, the basin itself must be large enough to accommodate the pump.

As a result, pedestal pumps tend to be smaller, and they allow for smaller sump basins. If space is a concern, or if your sump pump installation is in an unusually tight area, then a pedestal pump might be the right way to go. Pedestal pumps can be especially helpful if the lowest spot on the basement floor is in a corner or otherwise limited area.

Although it's not typically why homeowners choose them, pedestal pumps often have a longer lifespan thanks to remaining outside of the water. This extra longevity can sometimes make a pedestal pump a good option if your basement rarely accumulates much water. In this case, the lower power will not matter as much, and you will not need to worry about maintaining or replacing the pump.

Choosing the Right Option

If you're unsure of which option is right for you, a plumber can help you to evaluate your current situation and choose the most effective pump for your application. Selecting the best pump for your basement will ensure that heavy rains and melting snow don't lead to costly water damage in the future.
