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Not Sure What To Expect? 4 Septic System Problems You Might Experience This Winter

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If you've recently bought a new home, and this will be your first winter with a septic system, be prepared for the cold weather. Septic tanks can experience some serious problems during the cold winter months. If you're not familiar with winter septic problems, you might not know what to expect. If you're not familiar with winter septic problems, read the information provided below. This information will give you some hints on what types of winter septic problems you might experience this winter. 

Your Septic Pipes May Clog

If you're expecting freezing temperatures, you should also expect to deal with frozen septic pipes. During warmer months, helpful bacteria is able to grow and flourish throughout the septic system, including the pipes. But, during the winter, freezing temperatures prevent proper bacteria growth. When that happens, the solid waste that's inside the pipes won't decompose the way it should. Unfortunately, that increases the risk of septic pipe clogs. One way to prevent the problem, and to encourage healthy bacteria growth, is to insulate your septic field during the winter months. If you do notice sluggish septic pipes during the winter, call your septic service company right away. 

Your Waste Water May Not Filter

If you're expecting heavy snow fall this winter, pay close attention to your seepage field. When your septic system is functioning properly, liquid waste should flow from the septic tanks through to the seepage field. Once inside the seepage field, the liquid waste is absorbed into the soil before becoming part of the groundwater again. During the winter, the soil can become so compacted with snow that the seepage field is no longer able to do its job. Unfortunately, if the problem persists, the liquid waste could come up through the soil into your yard. To avoid that, keep the snow cleared from your seepage field area. If you notice foul odors coming from the area, or the soil becomes soggy in that area, contact your septic service company immediately. 

Your Septic Tank Might Overflow

If the soil in your area tends to freeze during the winter, you might encounter problems with overflowing septic tanks. When the soil is frozen, septic companies aren't always able to provide pumping services. That's because the soil is too frozen to dig through. If you suspect that your septic tanks are reaching maximum capacity, have them pumped before the deep freeze occurs. That way, your tanks will be able to accommodate the winter waste. 

Your Guests May Misuse the System

If you're having family coming to stay with you during the holidays, and they're unfamiliar with septic care, you may be left to deal with septic troubles. Some practices such as flushing facial tissues down the toilet, or pouring hot grease into the kitchen sink can ruin your septic, and increase your risk for backups and clogs. To avoid those types of problems, go over septic care guidelines when your family arrives. Learn more about your septic tank today.
